Handlers Decorators

Each handler decorator is a child method of Telegrask class, so you need to have an object of this class first.

from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext

bot = Telegrask("TOKEN")


Handler for commands (messages starting with / prefix, e.g. /cmd).

@bot.command("command_name", help="command help message")
def callback_function(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
  • commands: Union[str, list] - command or list of commands which will use this function as callback

  • help: str - description for command which will be included in automaticly generated /help command message

  • allow_without_prefix: bool = False - handle command also without / prefix, e.g. /cmd and cmd


Handler for messages.

from telegram.ext import Filters

def callback_function(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
  • filters: Filters - any combination of Filters from python-telegram-bot library


Handler for messages by regexes instead of filters.

@bot.message_regex(r"regex or just text")
def callback_function(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
  • regex: Pattern - regular expression to filter a message or just text


Handler for inline queries.

from telegrask import InlineQuery

def inline(query: InlineQuery):